
Email - info@ozark.co.nz          Phone -  0800 692 756

Quality Assurance

The Ozark temperature devices are factory calibrated and our live data and reports are designed for stand alone use. By now you will have developed your own verified MPI food plan. 

You probably have a very good record keeping system that is time and cost efficient. You may still rely on manual temperature records and that takes time and dollars to collect it. 

With Ozark, showing temperature reports is easy and can be added to your existing record keeping procedures. If you are a large organisation or control a franchise system then this product is ideal for you.

Encrypted Technology

Replay attacks and data manipulation is becoming a new issue in the world of IOT data. There are apps and other methods available to overload gateway services and ultimately affecting your data reports. 

Ozark Data is encrypted to a military level. Furthermore the transport system is impervious to replay attacks.